MCA has its headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana (MCA NO). The City of New Orleans enjoys a historic relationship with Latin America due to their geographic proximity. A significant amount of tonnage to and from Latin America originates from or is destined for the Ports of New Orleans or the Gulf Region.
While the vast majority of claims are handled on a local level in the country where the incident arises, MCA NO is available to provide additional assistance on more complex claims. It also provides overall supervision and administrative oversight. As overhead, these services are not billed to our clients.
All our non-lawyer correspondents receive extensive training by MCA NO on claims handling procedures which are implemented and overseen by our headquarters. The MCA LinkNetwork uses unified forms throughout Latin America to report to our clients; and for billings, MCA NO has been authorized by most Clubs to use the electronic system, Feesable. Our offices are linked electronically with state-of-the-art hardware and software further unifying procedures, diminishing duplication, hard copies and paper when possible.
All MCA LinkNetwork personnel are available on a 24/7 basis by cellular phones, e-mails, phone and fax.
Our 20+ years of experience assisting both P&I and Cruise Lines clients has provided our clients with the best, opportune and cost-conscious professional help. Rest assured that you can count on the best, well–trained professionals, conscious of their important roles in personal satisfaction, well being and expediency in the services that they provide.
MCA‘s Correspondent offices work under contract to MCA and bill on an hourly basis. All correspondents are available for direct contact by our clients; moreover, to eliminate unnecessary and duplicative input, MCA’s correspondents are instructed to report directly to our clients, copying the MCA NO solely for the purpose of monitoring the progress of claims resolution. MCA’s NO staff is permanently available for consultation on more complex claims problems.